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droitwich spa bowling club

Our Games

We have Men’s and Ladies’ teams in the Concorde League (matches mainly take place on Saturday afternoons), two mixed teams in the Redditch Triples League (matches take place on Monday evenings) and two mixed teams in the Interberga Triples League (matches take place on Tuesday evenings). In addition, there are regular friendly fixtures against other clubs in Worcestershire.

Club Night is held every Wednesday evening which provides an opportunity for all playing members to play against their fellow members and to socialise afterwards. In addition, organised roll ups are held on Monday and Friday afternoons throughout the outdoor season.

During the winter period, Short Mat Bowls is played in the clubhouse. This has developed into a very popular version of the game with sessions taking place throughout the week in various formats including roll ups, club league and knockout cup plus club competitions.


The clubhouse has all the usual facilities including a lounge bar/function room, kitchen and changing rooms. In addition to short mat bowls, various social events including quiz and bingo evenings are arranged. There are ample opportunities for existing and new members to socialise, take exercise and make new friends.

The Club runs a well-stocked bar at highly competitive prices. We are a Club that offers something for everyone and all members are encouraged to bring their partners to social events as our aim is to be inclusive regardless of bowling expertise.


The Club has qualified coaches who are always open for discussion regarding any coaching requests. They are available to assist our existing members to improve their game and provide initial coaching to new or potential new members.

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